Customized Communications Services

  • educational conferences documentation
  • healthcare forums documentation
  • patient education videos
  • recruitment and retention
  • advertisement
  • orientation and standards of accountability
  • promotional videos
  • community based media projects
  • print collateral
  • consensus building forums
  • website development

What we can produce

  • Thirty minute videos: made-for-TV informational videos
    that are location specific.
  • Five minute videos: location-specific promotional videos
    for healthcare facilities. Videos may highlight any services, including retention, recruitment, and community outreach. Videos may advertise services, or be designed to establish standards of accountability, protocol standards, or other
    criteria specified by the facility.
  • One minute videos: medical terminology definition videos designed to provide quick answers for commonly asked questions, and to define terminologies and services.
    These 1-minute video FAQs will help patients navigate
    a healthcare facility.
  • Thirty second videos: ads and PSAs that serve the same purposes as listed above.
  • Conference and seminar documentation. Four options:
    • shoot
    • shoot and edit
    • shoot, edit and post to web
    • shoot, edit, build DVD, burn to DVD, and post to web
  • Assessments and feasibility studies for healthcare facilities:
    • interactive forums, i.e. blogs and on-line forums.
      Synaptic organizes, hosts, and reports results.
    • online surveys. Synaptic designs the survey, launches, collates results and writes results report.
    • mail campaigns
  • Print collateral:
    • brochures and flyers
    • newsletters
    • postcards
    • facility identity documents
    • logo design, refinement of existing logos
    • reports
  • Consensus Building Forums:
    • organization and hosting
    • documentation, report results
    • post to web
  • Website development
    • upgrades to existing websites
    • creation of new websites
    • provide content (text and images) for websites
  • Community Based Media Projects
    • example: suicide awareness and prevention

"My background is in education, visual arts and filmmaking.
I am known for using my skills and training in community settings to tell the stories of the people I am working with. These projects have taken various forms including visual art exhibitions, short documentaries, and feature length films. In a recent example of deploying my skills in the service of healthcare and community well being, I brought these processes to Montana to explore the urgent issue of teen suicide and depression."

–Lise Swenson, Director of Customized Communications

As Director of Customized Communications for Synaptic Healthcare, Lise Swenson brings a wealth of experience and award-winning expertise to projects tailored to fit the needs of our clients. Swenson has documented consensus-building forums and other community outreach programs. In her short pieces highlighting palliative care, peri-operative clinics, and other healthcare-related subjects, Swenson successfully draws viewers in with her focus on the human aspect of well-run programs.

Swenson's artwork and films have been exhibited internationally and she has received numerous awards and grants. The Creative Work Fund award enabled her to seed production on her first feature film, Mission Movie. The film was screened internationally, winning five awards, two for Best of Festival. Swenson also served as producer and assistant director on Strange Culture, a film by Lynn Hershman Leeson which premiered at Sundance. Swenson was Filmmaker in Residence at the deYoung Museum in San Francisco.

Swenson has been a media arts theory and production instructor at the college level since 1987. She founded and administered several organizations supporting media arts, including TILT (Teaching Intermedia Literacy Tools), a nonprofit that works within school programs and community organizations to teach the fundamentals of media literacy.

Today, Swenson continues her work on feature films, including Saltwater and An Unexamined Life. Her artistic eye and creative energy breathe new life into the field of healthcare education, and into video production for healthcare facilities.